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Why Choose Us?

A deeper knowledge

Our team of chemical engineering and process design consultants have been helping manufacturers make their processes safer and more efficient since 1997. What sets us apart is that we look much deeper than the surface of a project, using our extensive knowledge of engineering and the scientific principles behind it to design the best solutions for our clients.

Over 60% of our workforce are Chemical and Biochemical Engineers, we provide process engineering solutions and technology to both OLG and the wider engineering community.

It’s why we’re often chosen for the most challenging projects and it’s why we excel at them. By applying cutting-edge thinking and integrated technologies we are able to deliver solutions that are efficient, cost effective and practical. Our philosophy is to aim to deliver ‘added value’ throughout each and every project. Be it through plant efficiency, cost savings or innovative chemical plant design techniques, we seek to deliver more than we’re asked to for all our clients.

A true partnership approach

We offer a refreshing approach, with client relationships being open, honest and based on mutual respect. Our specialist services complement and enhance our clients’ in-house resources and we actively seek a close working relationship, built on confidence, trust and respect, to maximise the effectiveness of our service. Our clients like working with us because we listen and put them first in everything we do. By fully understanding their needs, objectives and challenges we are able to provide the best solutions, often exceeding expectations in the process.

Due to our independent nature, we are not linked to any vendors, we have been asked to be expert witnesses for legal disputes. Trust, knowledge and passion – that is what we will bring to a true partnership.

We believe in a collaborative way of working, we are as focused on a successful outcome as you are!

The right team for you

We believe in building the right team for each and every project and nurturing long-term relationships that deliver maximum benefits to our clients. Only the very best chartered chemical engineers make it into OLG Consulting and we hand-pick the most appropriate person to lead each client project.

Many of our team members have worked in operating companies for many years, this means that we understand the practicalities of our designs – we have been the customer too; we have the perfect mix of experts with practical and design experience.

Contact our team today!

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